Sunday, January 27, 2008

Taxi Drivers

ever met CHINESE taxi drivers and been into their taxi?

I've met one (today) and he rocked,

and he is quite Malay-ist......

Gosh,really freaking racist.
he complained about the Malays and the government.

Sounds irritated?
lol.. i don't think so.
In fact, I think that every statement of his are true.

He said (in Cantonese),"the Malays just hitch-hiked on a rocket to space and they felt so proud about it. They spend millions on the astronaut, and yet the National Science Centre and the Planetarium failed us."

What do you think?

Wei Kuang, who was with me, said that I've met a 'zhi gei' (good buddy), who share the same thoughts with me.

btw, if you wanna take taxi next time, go for Chinese taxi drivers. The story to Malay-ism is yet to be unfold.

This will be our revenge.

Go, Chinese, we can do it

p.s. don't try this on Chinese

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