I have been away to a camp (well more like a bengkel pemilihan biasiswa thingy) from Yayasan TM. Starting from 26-29th of April.
I won't rant on every detail I've gone through the camp, but what I can do is to give you stalkers the highlights:
- Met new friends from my group, like Jonathan, Azrif, Acap, Christine So What, Renu@ Reshmonu, Javed, Bliya@Billy, Sharidah, Yee, Wei Ting, Arina, and many many more. They are kind and friendly. ROXXOR.
- There were lots of group talking and discussions.
- Throughout the 4 days camp I had 12 meals.
- There were no outdoor activities, very potong.
- During the camp, I studied animals such as fish, ducks, chickens, cows, etc. I can excel in zoology. HAH.
- I was labeled a pedophile just because I said Connie Talbot is cute (she was in the finals of Britain's Got Talent).
- I'm not gay (refers to the word for homosexual guys) but I'm gay ( refers to the word for HAPPY). *zomg this sounds so wrong*.
- I wrote essays.
- There are gung ho "One Malaysia" Malaysians.
- I sang oldies like 'My Way', 'Beautiful Sunday', 'Don't Worry Be Happy', etc.
yeah, so that wraps up the camp I've went to.
SHARIDA. Flo-rida's sister. happy?